Resource Directory

Welcome to our online Resources Directory

The information about providers, products and services contained on this website does not costitute Special Parents Information Network (SPIN) endorsement or recommendation. SPIN reserves the right to determine the suitability of any listing or potential listing and may, at its own discretion, modify, refuse to post, or delete a listing it deems inappropriate for its audience.

Information in SPIN Resource Directory is provided in good faith, however SPIN makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information, including links to websites and emails, provided in this Resource Directory and elsewhere on SPIN does not endorse any of the resources listed or linked to in this Resource Directory or on 

If you have a question or feel information may be outdated, incorrectly categorized, or otherwise inappropriately represented, please send a comment regarding your concerns to Special Parents Information Network (SPIN).

To access service information, Click on the category: